NGA 2000 CLD
Instruction Manual
June 2007
3 - 16 Operation Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
d. Replacement of Converter
If the subnormal conversion efficiency is real, and not
due to measurement error introduced by the test setup,
the converter must be replaced. See section 4-6.
The usual case of converter failure is destruction of a
large part of the catalytic material be excessive heat.
This is due either to an excessively high temperature
setpoint or failure of the converter temperature control
e. Capillaries
Replacement vent and pump capillaries should be in-
stalled finger-tight.
Use of a wrench can constrict capillariesm, thus chang-
ing flow rate. Sample capillary is metal; use a wrench for
f. TEA Scrubber
The presence on NO
in the NO cylinders can cause
inaccurate converter efficiency values. The TEA Scrub-
ber accessory can be used to remove residual NO
the NO cylinders. Use of this accessory allows a NO
free NO calibration gas.