NGA 2000 CLD
Instruction Manual
June 2007
3 - 4 Operation Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
The CLD analyzer module may require periodic calibra-
tion with known zero and span gases in order to main-
tain a desire level of analytical accurancy. It is recom-
mended, after initial startup, that the CLD Analyzer Mod-
ule is calibrated at least once every eight hours.
This practice should continue until evidence indicates
that some other interval is more appropriate depending
on the analytical accurancy required.
Calibration is the process of flowing known zero or span
calibration gas into the analyzer for a specified period
(averaging time), after which the analyzer will automati-
cally set its zero or span factors so that the concentra-
tion measurement equals the calibration gas value. A
limit can be set, beyond which any attempt by the ana-
lyzer to reset its concentration measurement will cause
a warning alarm. In this case, user intervention would be
required to reset the alarm and attempt another calibra-
a. Calibration Setup
Calibration Gas List
This menu is used to set the concentration values of the
calibration gases for each range.
Main (Menu)...
Analyzer and I/O expert controls & setup...
Analyzer module setup...
Calibration gas list...
Figure 3-5: Calibration Gas List
Channels 3 and 4
If not yet done, put in the ozonator and zero gas concen-
trations that you supply to the analyzer. See gas cylinder
certification for exact values.
In case that measuring ranges differ from ordering code,
put in the measuring ranges:
Main (Menu)...
Analyzer and I/O, expert controls & setup...
Analyzer module setup...
Gas measurement parameters...
Range settings...
Figure 3-6: Range Settings Menu
In case that only one measuring range is in use,
we suggest to set all other measuring ranges to
the same value to prevent calibration failure. When
doing so, set also all test gas values to the same
Figure 3-4: Calibration Gas List
Channels 1 and 2
0.000 ppm
Calibration Gas List
Zero gas - range 3:
NO Span gas - range 3:
NOx Span gas - range 3:
Zero gas - range 4:
NO Span gas - range 4:
NOx Span gas - range 4:
0.00 ppm
101.0 ppm
101.0 ppm
0.00 ppm
250.0 ppm
250.0 ppm
9.9 ppm
999.0 ppm
0.0 ppm
10.2 ppm
0.0 ppm
24.9 ppm
0.0 ppm
100.0 ppm
0.0 ppm
500.0 ppm
Pressure limits...
Range Settings
Minimum Range:
Maximum Range:
Range 1 lower limit:
Range 1 upper limit:
Range 2 lower limit:
Range 2 upper limit:
Range 3 lower limit:
Range 3 upper limit:
Range 4 lower limit:
Range 4 upper limit:
0.000 ppm
0.000 ppm
Calibration Gas List
Zero gas - range 1:
NO Span gas - range 1:
NOx Span gas - range 1:
Zero gas - range 2:
NO Span gas - range 2:
NOx Span gas - range 2:
0.00 ppm
10.00 ppm
10.00 ppm
0.00 ppm
19.90 ppm
19.90 ppm