Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG1-6
Instruction Manual
1.2 Conguration of Gas Lines
1.2.6 Optional Components for Gas Lines
The analyzers can, as an option, be tted with
further components. Not all components are
available for all analyzer types:
• internal sample gas pump
• internal valve block
• internal ow sensors
• internal ow monitor switch
• internal barometric pressure sensor
• internal temperature sensors. Internal Sample Gas Pump
An internal sample gas pump is used when
the sample gas is under insufcient pressure.
It ensures a constant ow of sample gas (max.
2.5 l/min through the analyzer).
When in internal pump is tted, the relevant
parameter in the software setup dialog is set
to Yes ( 6-88). The pump can be con-
trolled either manually through a software
menu or optionally by a digital input.
Gas pressure is limited to atmospheric, if an
internal pump is used! Internal Valve Block
An internal valve block allows all necessary
gas lines (zero gas, span gas, sample gas)
to remain permanently connected to the
analyzer. Valves are then activated automa-
tically when required (e.g. during automatic
When an internal valve block is tted, this
is shown in the relevant software setup
dialog as either Internal or Int+Ext (
6-88). The valves are controlled by either
a software menu, optionally by digital in-
put, or automatically during autocalibration.
Depending on the model, up to two valve
bocks can be tted. Internal Flow Sensor
Up to two internal ow sensors can measure
the ow of gas and, compared to the ow
monitor switch can provide a ow reading.
They also can activate an alarm signal in the
event of a failure.
The alarm level for ow sensors is operator
adjustable to up to 2000 ml/min. Depending
on the model, up to two sensors can be tted
and evaluated separately.
When a sensor is tted, the relevant parame-
ter in the software setup dialog is set to Yes
If the current ow rate is too low, a status
message is displayed and the parameter
under CHECK REQUESTS.. is set to Yes
Chapter 8 'Troubleshooting'). Internal Flow Monitor Switch
An internal ow switch monitors the gas ow
and activates an alarm signal in case it is
not sufcient. Compared to the ow sensore
it does not provide a ow reading, but only
indicates if the ow is sufcient, or not.
The alarm level for the internal ow switch is
xed and not operator adjustable. Additional
external switches may be used and connected
via digital inputs. All tted ow switches are
evaluated to share a common alarm.
When an internal ow switch is tted, the re-
levant parameter in the software setup dialog
is set to Yes (
If the current ow rate is too low, a status
message is displayed and the parameter
under CHECK REQUESTS.. is set to Yes
Chapter 8 'Troubleshooting').