
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG1-24
Instruction Manual
1.8 X-STREAM XEFD: Cast Aluminum Flameproof Housing
The most obvious X-STREAM XEFD analyzer
feature is its ameproof housing (g. 1-10).
This enables its use in Ex-zone 1 hazardous
environments. With a protection type of IP66/
NEMA Type 4X and sturdy cast aluminum
housing designed for wall-mounting, it can
also be used in other tough environments.
IPx6: In case of occasional ooding, e.g.
heavy seas, water shall not enter in harmful
IP6x: Protection against penetration by dust.
Live or internal moving parts are completely
Up to four measuring channels in any com-
bination can be installed in the X-STREAM
XEFD. Optionally, a cover can be installed
over the physical components. This separa-
te volume can be heated up to a maximum
temperature of 60 °C to minimize the effects
of changes in external temperature.
Front panel
The analyzer’s display is
protected by an
impact tested glass for enhanced protection
against breakage in harsh environments.
Electrical connections
Electrical connections are made via internal
screw-type terminals; the corresponding
cables are fed through cable inlets on the
underside of the unit into the housing (g.
1-12). The front of the unit opens downwards
once the screws located on the surrounding
ange are removed
Connection to power supply
Mains power is connected via screw-type
terminals with integrated fuses, located in
the front right-hand area of the housing. The
internally mounted wide range power supp-
ly unit ensures, the analyzers can be used
Interface signals
Up to two digital I/O cards may be installed,
where terminal strip for the rst digital I/O card
is marked "X4.1" while the second is "X4.2"
on a label near the terminals.
Detailed technical details on the various in-
terfaces can be found at
1-10. The con-
guration of the screw-type terminal adapters
are described in chapter 4 'Installation'
and the software settings in chapter 6
Gas connections
Depending on the conguration of the unit
(number of channels, series or parallel pi-
ping), up to eight ame arresters are provi-
ded for the supply of sample and calibration
The special conditions for installing and operating analyzers in hazardous
areas are not covered by this manual!
Read the separate instruction manuals shipped together with instruments
intended to be installed in hazardous area!