Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG 1-19
Instruction Manual
1.7 X-STREAM XE Field Housing
1.7 X-STREAM XEF/XDF: Field Housing With Single Or Dual Compartment
The eld housing model is conceived for
outdoor use and wall-mounting. The coa-
ted stainless steel housing has a protection
class rated IP66 / NEMA Type 4X, offering
protection against water and dust entering
the device:
IPx6: In case of occasional ooding, e.g.
heavy seas, water shall not enter in harmful
IP6x: Protection against penetration by dust.
Live or internal moving parts are completely
An X-STREAM XEF can be tted with up to
four measurement channels in any combina-
tion. The physical components can optionally
be encased in a cover. This separate volume
can be held at a specic temperature of up to
60 °C to minimize interference from changes
in external temperature.
Front panel
The analyzer’s display is
covered by an impact
tested glass for enhanced protection against
breakage in harsh environments.
Electrical connections
Electrical connections are provided via inter-
nal tube ttings, the cables being fed through
cable glands on the underside of the unit (g.
1-8). The front cover of the housing swings
open to the left once the fasteners have been
Connection to power supply
Mains power is supplied via screw-type termi-
nals with integrated fuse holders at the right
of the housing, near the front. The wide range
power supply unit mounted internally enables
the analyzers to be used worldwide.
Interface signals
Up to two digital I/O cards may be installed.
If so, on a label nearby, they are labeled
"X4.1" for the rst I/O board, and "X4.2" for
the second.
Detailed technical details on the various in-
terfaces can be found at
1-10. The con-
guration of the screw-type terminal adapters
are described in chapter 4 'Installation'
and the software settings in chapter 6
Gas connections
Depending on the conguration of the unit
(number of channels, series or parallel pi-
ping), up to eight tube ttings are provided for
the supply of sample and calibration gases.
The assignments of the ttings is given on an
adhesive label situated near the ttings.
A further optional tube tting enables the
housing to be purged
to minimize interference
from the ambient atmosphere,
when measu-
ring corrosive and/or ammable gases.
For further information, see 1-5.
Dual compartment variation XDF
The dual compartment variation XDF sup-
ports separating electronics and physics,
e.g. for measurement of corrosive or solvent
gases. For such applications the electronics
are installed in the upper compartment, while
measurement physics are in the lower com-
XDF also provides more space e.g. for instal-
lation of optional signal converter elements for
system integrators.
Technical Description