7. After the scanner software installation is complete, the EPSON Screen
Calibration utility automatically starts. You must calibrate your screen and
scanner to reproduce images closely matching the originals.
You dont need to change the screen calibration again so long
as you continue to use the same monitor. If you dont see the
utility or if you need to recalibrate your screen at a later time,
click Scanners and Cameras in the Control Panel (click Start
> Settings > Control Panel > Scanners and Cameras from
the Windows Desktop to access it). On the Devices tab,
select Scanner. Click Properties, then click the Calibration
In the following window, move the slider to the right or left until the shades of the
horizontal gray stripes appear similar. View the screen from a short distance. The
gray stripes will not perfectly blend together; however, try to make the two tones
match as closely as possible.
8. Click
to register the calibration setting.
before calibration after calibration