Recommended Settings
If you are manually adjusting the settings in the Advanced window, you should
consider using the following settings for optimal scans (a more detailed listing is
available in your electronic EPSON TWAIN Users Guide):
If your final output is for on-screen viewing (for example, on a web page), select 72 dpi for your
If you are enlarging your image, you must manually increase the resolution (dpi) proportionally to
maintain the resolution of your original.
PressWriter for Macintosh does not have a TWAIN scan
function, but you can import a scanned image from another
application using the Object, Import Image function.
Image type
Recommended Image Type
resolution for
1, 2
Photograph PhotoDeluxe Color Photo 300 dpi
Small photograph
to be enlarged
PhotoDeluxe Color Photo 300 dpi to 2400 dpi
Magazine PhotoDeluxe Color Photo 300 dpi
(text only)
PageManager OCR 400 dpi
Text for OCR PageManager OCR 400 dpi
Text with images PageManager Copy & Fax
(automatically selects Auto Area
Segmentation [AAS])
400 dpi
Line art PhotoDeluxe Line Art 300 to 2400 dpi
35 mm film
PhotoDeluxe TPU for neg.Film 300 to 2400 dpi
4 x 5 or Brownie
film (negative)
PhotoDeluxe TPU for neg.Film 300 to 2400 dpi
35 mm slide or
4 x 5 transparency
PhotoDeluxe TPU for pos.Film 300 to 2400 dpi