Using the Optional Equipment
This section includes basic information on unpacking, installing, and using the
options for the EPSON Perfection 1200U: a transparency unit (B813172) and an
auto document feeder (B813142).
You can purchase these options from EPSON Accessories at (800) 873-7766 or visit
our web site at www.epsonsupplies.com (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call
(800) 873-7766 for dealer referral.
Transparency Unit
The transparency unit lets you scan negative or
positive film strips and slides on your scanner.
It comes with the EPSON Perfection
1200U PHOTO scanner package.
Unpacking the
Transparency Unit
Make sure that all the items to the right are
included in the transparency unit box. If any
items are missing or damaged, contact your
EPSON dealer immediately. Keep all the
packing materials so you can use them for
storage when you are not scanning
film holders
transparency unit