E-mail Addressee fields
The eight E-mail Addressee fields permit the administrator to identify the e-mail addresses of
the personnel to whom the MTPX Plus switcher e-mails notification of its failure and repair
status. Figure 55 shows a typical e-mail from the switcher.
Miles Standish
From: MTPX-FF-FF-09@folklore.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:05 AM
To: Miles Standish
Subject: MTPX-FF-FF-09 - Fan Failure
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:05:07
Unit Name = MTPX-FF-FF-09
Unit IP Address = 192-168-254-254
Figure 55. Typical MTPX Plus E-mail
The radio buttons and check boxes associated with each address field permit the
administrator to specify specific e-mail requirements for each recipient.
Edit these fields and controls as follows:
1. Click in the desired E-mail Addressee field. The graphic cursor becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the e-mail address as desired. Standard e-mail address conventions
(for example: nnnnn@xxx.com) apply.
3. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the e-mail addressee
4. In the square Fans check boxes associated with each addressee, select or deselect the
fans for status to be e-mailed to the addressee.
5. In the round radio buttons associated with each addressee, select whether the addressee
is to be e-mailed of failures, fixes, both, or not be notified.
The None radio button is useful for temporarily removing personnel from the e-mail list
when they are unavailable, such as on travel or vacation.
6. If desired, click the Send test E-mail button to test the e-mail function.
7. Click the Take button to make the e-mail address changes take affect.
MTPX Plus Series • Matrix Software 106