Using this page to set the input gain, and where desired, ducking can be enabled
and settings configured for both VoiceLift and Aux inputs. In addition the Page Sensor
sensitivity and hold time can be set from this page.
Figure 22. Mic/Aux/Paging Config Page
To set VoiceLift or Aux Input Gain and Ducking Settings:
To adjust audio input gain (‑18 to +24 dB), click and drag the handle of the Input Gain
slider, or click the Up and Down Arrows in the field below the slider, or enter a value in the
field. The Peak, Normal, or Signal LEDs will light as each threshold is reached as the input
gain is adjusted.
To enable and configure set the ducking settings:
1. Select the Enable Ducking checkbox. The ducking setting fields become active.
NOTE: When the Enable Ducking check box is left unchecked, then the Threshold,
Duck By, and Hold Time settings are grayed out and are not available
2. To set Threshold level, click the Up and Down Arrows in the field, or enter a value. The
range is 0 to ‑60 dBFS.
3. To set the Duck By level, click the Up and Down Arrows in the field, or enter a value.
The range is 0 to +80 dB.
4. To set the Hold Time (in seconds), click the Up and Down Arrows in the field, or enter
a value. The range is 0‑10 seconds.
To set Paging Sensor Sensitivity and Hold Time Setting:
To adjust Paging Sensor sensitivity (0 to 100):
Click and drag the handle of the Input Gain slider, or click the Up and Down Arrows in the
field below the slider, or enter a value in the field.
To adjust Paging Sensor Hold Time in seconds:
1. Select the Enable Paging Sensor checkbox. The Hold Time field become active.
2. Click the Up and Down Arrows in the field, or enter a value in the field. The range is 1
to 8 seconds.
PVS 405D • Using Extron Product Configuration Software 41