The MUT (make-up table) is an important part of the film transport system. The MUT is
used for making-up and breaking down of any film onto/off of a platter. During make-up,
film is un-wound from a reel or core that is secured to the MUT spindle, routed through
the rollers, and wound onto a platter deck around the take-up ring. The motor on the
platter is un-plugged, and connected to, and controlled by the external motor cable from
the MUT. The typical film order is theater information and previews first, a company or
corporate promo next, and then the feature. The feature typically arrives in four to ten
smaller reels, or one to two large reels. All these individual pieces of film must be
assembled together (in the correct order and orientation) into one length of film that is
used with a platter system. Break-down is the reverse process, where this one length of
film is removed and returned to it s original individual components. The film is pulled
from the deck back onto an empty reel or core on the MUT spindle by the internal MUT
motor. The platter motor is dis-engaged, so there is less drag on the MUT.
Film reels can have different central spindle bores, and each MUT is supplied with two
spindle assemblies, 5/16" and ½". Spindle assemblies are changed by sliding the shaft
collar rearwards toward the table, and removing the spindle assembly by pulling it
forwards out of the coupling. Insert the desired spindle assembly into the coupling, and
release the collar, being sure that the locking detents are properly oriented. If needed,
the drive dogs can be repositioned on each spindle assembly to properly catch the
reel drive holes. The film reel is slid onto the spindle shaft via it s central bore, being
sure to align the drive dog through one of the drive holes in the film reel hub. The film
reel MUST
be secured to the spindle assembly with the safety clip, so that the reel
cannot slide off the spindle during winding. Failing to do so will result in film and
equipment damage. The exit roller assembly is moved vertically up and down the
vertical post by loosening the arm clamp. Position the exit roller assembly so that the
film path is parallel to the platter deck being used, and winds the film flat and even on
the deck. Refer to DWG.# PMUT FILM PATH for the proper threading path of the MUT.
Proper operating procedure includes smooth and gradual film speed changes to avoid
any sudden jerking or spillage of film.