Equipment List:
The P-SERIES Platter is one of a series of motion picture projection, lighting and
accessory equipment available from BIG SKY Industries. A complete line of automations,
lighting controls, consoles, projectors, sound equipment, platter systems,
lamphouses, power supplies an ignitors, film guidance hardware and accessories are
available. For product specifications, pricing and ordering information, contact your
Sound Equipment:
C2000 2K console S1000 Sound Rack; 40 rack
C3000 3K console S1200 Sound Rack; 40 rack, blower, contactor, receptacles
C4000 4K console S1400 Sound Rack; X1200 plus prewire for custom comp.
C7000 5-7K console S2000 Monitor Panel
Deluxe consoles:
Film guidance Hardware:
C2000D 2k extended console FH1000 Arms w/platter guidance hardware
C3000D 3k extended console FH1100 Wall-mount guidance hardware
FH1200 Wall-mount fixed roller
Console options:
FH1300 Swing-arm accumulator
Rotron blower w/air vane switch FH1400 Roller on bar
Additional breakers
Prewire sound in deluxe consoles Platter Systems:
Prewire projector P3350 3-Deck Platter System
Time-delay circuit for blowers P3700 3-Deck Platter System
Main contactor P5350 5-Deck Platter System
PMT35 35mm Make-up Table
PMT70 35/70 mm Make-Up Table
A2000 Matrix automation
A2108 8-screen remote Platter Accessories:
A2116 16-screen remote P1350 35mm Payout Head
A2124 24-screen remote P1700 70mm Payout Head
P1351 35mm Take-Up Ring
Automation options/accessories: P171 70mm Take-Up Ring
Clock timer
Optical failsafe w/micro-switch failsafe Lamphouses:
Sensing tape, optical L2000 1-2000w Lamphouse
L3000 2-3000w Lamphouse
L4000 3-4000w Lamphouse
Lighting controls:
L7000 5-7000w Lamphouse
D4000 Single-channel 4K Dimmer
D4400 Dual-channel 4K Dimmer Power Supplies & ignitors:
N3X75 IREM 2000 watt power supply
Projectors: N3X7595 IREM 3000 watt power supply
E15M Ernemann 15 Projector/Manual N3X95159 IREM 4000 watt power supply
E15A Ernemann 15 Projector/auto. N3X180 IREM 7000 watt power supply
ESRD Dolby Digital Reader N3X10K IREM 10,000 watt power supply
E15 Ernemann 15 Complete System AFU200 Auxiliary Filter Unit
AS16D40M IREM Ignitor
Replacement Parts:
ASN700A IREM Ignitor, low-noise
C1050 10.5" Dichroic Reflector
C1060 13.5" Dichroic Reflector
C1070 12" Glass Dichroic Reflector