
The speed of the deck during pay-out mode is controlled by the position of
the swinging arm. As the film demand exceeds current deck speed, the
arm is pulled clockwise, and deck speed is increased to provide more film
until the demand is met. If too much film is being fed, the arm will swing in
a counter-clockwise direction, and slow the deck down until the excess
film has been fed into the projector. A smooth, constant speed indicates
normal operation.
The film path through the rollers on the mast is shown in the drawings in
the rear of this manual. Different layouts are shown, depending if any
cleaning or static attachments are used, and the needed corresponding
roller layout. The basic path of the film is through the pay-out head,
turning down around the sensor rollers to the tension sensor, and up tp
the exit roller assembly at the top of the mast, and on to the projector. If a
film cleaning or static device is used, it is attached to the mast using the
provided holes, and a second roller is used on the tension sensor. This
film path is accommodated with a second loop from the first tension roller
to the cleaner, back to the second tension roller, and then to the exit roller.
After the film has traveled through the projector, sound readers, and cue
sensors, it is directed back to the platter via film guidance hardware. The
film enters the platter at the bottom of the mast through the take-up entry
roller assembly. Depending on which deck will be used for take-up, the
film is then routed to the corresponding control plate s entry roller. The film
is then routed over this roller, down to the sliding roller, back up to the
swiveling exit roller, and to and around the take-up ring, including securing
the film in the take-up ring s catch.
The speed of the deck is controlled by the position of the slider. At rest,
the slider is at it s bottom position, transferring control to the pay-out head.
As the slider is raised, the motor s speed is gradually increased from
stopped to full, depending on how high the slider rises in it s track. At the
top of the slider s travel is the brake position, which will immediately stop
the motor and deck until the slider lowers back into it s run area. On the
control plate are four LED s, listed from bottom to top, which give the
status of the deck s operation:
Yellow - Low speed, deck is in low speed
Green - Cruise speed, deck is in normal speed
Red - High speed, deck is in high speed
Red - Brake on, indicates motor is being braked
Drawing No. Control Plate Definitions  defines all control plate functions.