307-01-14 307-01-14Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
ASSEMBLY (Continued)
62. Install the overdrive brake drum and coast 65. NOTE: If the overdrive band is reused, it must
clutch drum assembly. be installed in the same position as when
NOTE: Make sure that the overdrive band
apply strut is aligned with the band notch.
NOTE: The new overdrive band is dark in
color. This is a normal condition of the band.
Hairline cracks in the band are also considered
normal. Do not install a new band based solely
on the color.
Install the overdrive band.
63. Install the overdrive band servo piston and
• Lubricate the servo bore with clean
automatic transmission fluid.
66. Install the overdrive anchor strut.
64. Using the special tools, install the retaining
2005 Mustang, 12/2004