307-01-25 307-01-25Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
ASSEMBLY (Continued)
114. CAUTION: Do not damage the fluid
pump gear O-ring seal when installing
torque converter.
CAUTION: Make sure the converter
hub is fully engaged in the pump support
and gear and rotates freely. Do not damage
the hub seal.
CAUTION: If the torque converter
slides out, the hub seal may be damaged.
Lubricate the converter hub with clean
automatic transmission fluid.
117. CAUTION: The special tool must be
used to correctly align the adapter plate to
the converter or transmission damage could
In order to correctly install the special
service tool, it must be installed using one
round and one oblong hole. Using two
oblong holes will cause damage to the
NOTE: Position the adapter plate on the
torque converter and identify the position of
the orange or green paint daub on the
converter face.
115. WARNING: The torque converter can
If the vehicle is equipped, use the special tool
fall out if the transmission is tipped. Failure
to install the torque converter flex plate
to follow these instructions may cause
adapter assembly and 8 nuts.
personal injury.
• Tighten to 44 Nm (33 lb-ft).
Using the special tools, install the torque
converter by pushing and rotating.
116. Lubricate the torque converter pilot hub with
multi-purpose grease.
2005 Mustang, 12/2004