307-01-6 307-01-6Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
ASSEMBLY (Continued)
20. Install the reverse band actuating lever shaft
into the case and into the reverse band actuating
24. NOTE: Install the output shaft sleeve with the
cone facing up. This sleeve will snap into place
when correctly installed.
Install the output shaft sleeve.
21. Install the No. 10 needle bearing into the case.
25. Install low/reverse planetary carrier needle
22. CAUTION: Do not damage the seal
bearing (No. 9) onto the output shaft ring gear
against the case during assembly.
and hub assembly.
Install the output shaft ring gear, hub and seal.
23. CAUTION: Always install a new
output shaft retaining ring.
Install a new output shaft retaining ring.
2005 Mustang, 12/2004