Intro 1
NAME Intro - eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF) man pages
DESCRIPTION This manual contains XSCF man pages.
The following commands are supported:
Intro, intro eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF) man pages
addboard configure an eXtended System Board(XSB) into the domain
configuration or assigns it to the domain configuration
addcodlicense add a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU)
license key to the COD license database
addfru add a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
adduser create an XSCF user account
applynetwork reset XSCF to reflect information that has been set for the
XSCF network
cfgdevice connect a DVD/TAPE drive to the port, disconnect it from
the port, or display the status of the drive
clockboard set or display the clock control unit used at system startup
console connect to a domain console
deleteboard disconnect an eXtended System Board (XSB) from the
domain configuration
deletecodlicense remove a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU)
license key from the COD license database
deletefru delete a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
deleteuser delete an XSCF user account
disableuser disable an XSCF user account
enableuser enable an XSCF user account
exit exit the XSCF shell
flashupdate update the firmware
fmadm fault management configuration tool
fmdump view fault management logs
fmstat report fault management module statistics
getflashimage download a firmware image file
ioxadm manage External I/O Expansion Units