System Administration 211
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Setting Privileges for JSmith
EXAMPLE 2 Removing All Privileges for JSmith
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:
The following are valid values for privileges:
auditadm Can configure auditing. Can delete audit trail.
auditop Can view all audit state and audit trail.
fieldeng Can perform all operations reserved for field engineers
and authorized service personnel.
none Cannot perform any operations on the Service Processor
that require privilege, even if privileges are set for the
user in LDAP. This privilege allows the administrator to
restrict access to such operations on the Service
Processor and domains.
platadm Can perform all Service Processor configuration other
than the useradm and auditadm tasks. Can assign and
unassign hardware from domains, perform domain and
XSCF power operations and all operations on domain
hardware (assign, unassign, power, and so on). Can
perform Service Processor failover operations and view
all platform states.
platop Can view all platform states but not perform any
useradm Can create, delete, disable, or enable user accounts. Can
change a user’s password and password properties (for
example, expiry). Can modify a user’s privileges.
Specifies a valid user name.
XSCF> setprivileges jsmith platadm domainadm@1–4,6,9
XSCF> setprivileges jsmith none
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.