346 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
-d domain_id Specifies the number of a domain to be displayed. This option
can be specified for domain specific log. domain_id can be 0–23
depending on the system configuration.
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or
operands, an error occurs.
-M Displays text by page. This option provides a function that is the
same as that of the more command.
-p timestamp Specifies a timestamp in a log when one log is to be displayed.
This option can be specified for an error log or event log.
timestamp is specified in one of the following formats:
The timestamp is specified in the ’year-month-day,
hour:minute:second’ format.
The timestamp is specified in the ’month/day/year,
hour:minute:second’ format.
The timestamp is specified in the ’month-name, day,
hour:minute:second, year’ format.
-r Displays a log in the order of timestamps, starting from the latest
timestamp. By default, the display of log data in the order of
timestamps starts from the oldest data.
-S Displays a scan log attached to an error log. Only a user having
the fieldeng privilege can specify this operand. This cannot be
specified together with the-v option or -V option.