
Getting Started with the Configuration Manager
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
4.4 Commiting Changes and Rebooting
Whenever you change system settings, the changes are initially placed in a
temporary storage (called random access memory or RAM). Your changes
are made effective when you submit them, but will be lost if the device is
reset or turned off.
NOTE! Submitting changes activates them immediately, but saves
them only until the device is reset or powered down. Committing
changes saves them permanently.
Follow these steps to commit changes to permanent storage:
1. Select Admin > Commit & Reboot. The Commit & Reboot page
2. Click the Commit button. (Disregard the selection in the Reboot
Mode: dropdown list, it does not affect the commit process).
The changes are saved to permanent storage.
The previous settings are copied to backup storage so that they can
be recalled if your new settings do not work properly (see the
rebooting instructions in section 4.4.1).
NOTE! If you change the LAN IP address information, you MUST
commit the changes and then reboot the system to activate them.
All other changes are activated when you commit them (no reboot
is needed).