Basic Configuration
28 EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
5.2.3 Modifying and Deleteing PPP Interfaces
To modify a PPP interface, display the PPP Configuration page and click
in the “Action(s)” column for the interface you want to modify. The PPP
Interface – Modify page displays.
You can change only the status of the PPP connection, the security
protocol, your login name and your password. To modify the other settings,
you must delete the interface and create a new one.
To delete a PPP interface, display the PPP Configuration page and click
in the “Action(s)” column for the interface you want to delete. You should
not delete a PPP interface unless you have received instructions to do so
from your ISP. Without an appropriately defined PPP interface, you may not
be able to connect to your ISP. You can recreate the PPP interface with the
same name at a later time.
After modifying or deleting a PPP interface, click the Submit button. Then
select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click the Commit button to save
your changes to permanent memory.