
Configuring Firewall Settings
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
Check the protocol type you want to block and click the Submit button.
Make sure to use the Commit feature to save your changes to the
permanent memory.
To unblock a specific protocol, uncheck the protocol and repeat the submit
and commit tasks.
The following list describes each of the available protocols:
Protocol Description
PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. Many DSL
modems use PPPoE to establish and maintain a
connection with a service provider. PPPoE provides a
means of logging in to the ISPs servers so that they
can authenticate you as a customer and provide you
access to the Internet. Check with your ISP before
blocking this protocol.
IP Multicast IP Multicast is an extension to the IP protocol. It
enables individual packets to be sent to multiple hosts
on the Internet, and is often used for handling e-mail
mailing lists and teleconferencing/videoconferencing.
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. This IP
protocol provides a way for computers to determine
their own IP addresses when they only know their