Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 9
Gravimetric Blender
2.7.2 Recipe to weight calculation
After a start-command the controller will calculate the requested weights of all components
of the selected recipe.
A recipe can be defi ned in two ways: ‘Standard’ and ‘Percentage’. These methods can
be defi ned in the recipe choosing menu (F1) ‘recipes / edit recipes’. The methods
‘Standard’ end ‘Percentage’ defi ne the relation of the components (Regrind, Natural and
Additive) in a recipe. Method Standard
The different components are defi ned as follows:
Regrind : Percentage of the batch weight
Natural : Relation between other naturals
Additive : Percentage of the totals of all naturals
Batchweight 2000.0 gr.
Regrind 20.0%
Natural 1 4
Natural 2 1
Additive 5.0%
Regrind : 20.0% of 2000.0 gr. 400.0
Naturals : naturals + additive = 80.0%
naturals + (0,05 * naturals) = 80.0%
naturals = 80.0/1.05 = 76.2%
natural 1 = 4/5 * 76.2 = 61.0% 1220.0
natural 2 = 1/5 * 76.2 = 15.2% 304.0
Additive : 80.0 - 61.0 - 15.2 = 3,8% 76.0
TOTAL 2000.0