Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 35
Gravimetric Blender
Parameter Description Init
BatchWeight Total weight of one batch. This value is copied into 0,5 [kg]
every recipe when it is created.
DispenseTry Maximum number of tries per component to reach 4
maximum accuracy
DispenseAccuracy Minimum accuracy for each component. 25 [%]
DispenseRate Maximum deviation when a re-calculation of the 30 [%]
CorrectionBand dispense-speed is done
SiloPresent Indicates the ‘Stock-Silo’ regrind control process No
is activated.
MaximumTare Maximum absolute deviation from the zeropoint 40 [g]
Variation of the weighbin.
SiloHighCount Number of batches with the highness activated 100
before the controller initiates an alarm.
SiloLowCount Number of batches with the lowsensor not activated 100
before the controller initiates an alarm.
EmptyRegrind Indicates the ‘Empty Regrind’ regrind control No
process is activated.
EmptyRegrindHopper Indicates the hopper which is used in the empty Hopper 1
regrind process
EmptyRegrindCycles Number of batches empty regrind waits before 1
increasing regrind (startprocess)
Dispense inc/dec Maximum percentage for the regrind control 10 [%]
Dispense Number of steps in whitch the maximum must 10
VariationCycles be reached.
LoadcellGain Amplifi cation-factor for the loadcell signal 16
LoadcellOverload Maximum weight in the weighbin. The controller 800 [g]
initiates an error on this point.
LoadcellSettleTime Time between the dispense of the last component 1 [s]
and reading the weigbin-signal.
(to eliminate vibrations).
LoadcellWeight To read a correct weight 8 samples must fi t to this 10 [g]
BandWidth absolute band.
FGB-Name/Nr. Name of the controller; This name is used in the
user-interface of the terminal.