Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 11
Gravimetric Blender
2.7.4 Additive to regrind
It is possible to dispense more additive in relation to the amount of regrind. Choose for
this defi nition menu (F1) ‘controller / public parameters’. A maximum of two hoppers
(additive) can be defi ned (additiveToRegrindHopper). The defi nition must be completed
defi ning the requested percentage (additiveToRegrindPerc).
Not activated Activated with 2.0%
Component Recipe Weight (g) Recipe Weight (g)
Regrind 20.0% 400.0 20.0% 400.0
Natural 1 4 1219.0 4 1213.0
Natural 2 1 304.8 1 303.2
Additive 5.0% 76.2 5.0% + 2.0% 83.8
2.7.5 Regrind control
The fl ow of ‘regrind’ is very often not continuous due to the process. There are two
methods to adjust the amount of regrind to the actual process: ‘Empty Regrind’ or ‘Stock
Silo’. Empty regrind Control
Empty regrind control means: keep the regrind-hopper empty. The material must be
dispensed, because otherwise another parts of the process can be destroyed (regrind return
Through menu (F1) ‘controller / protected parameters’ the process can be activated. After
the process is started a defi ned amount of batches (Empty regrind wait count) must be
awaited before the percentage will be increased. The percentage will be increased in
the defi ned number of steps (Dispensevariation cycl.) until the requested percentage is
reached (Dispense increase).
If not enough material can be dispensed from the regrind hopper, then regrind will be reset
to the original setting (recipe).