Command Sets
Function Command
Type Size and Spacing, Managing Implicit Cursor Motion
Mnemonic Function Command Remarks
DECAWM Autowrap Mode CSI ? 7 h Set autowrap mode
CSI ? 7 l Reset autowrap mode
DECCRNLM Carriage Return CSI ? 40 h CR acts as New Line
/New Line Mode CSI ? 40 l CR acts as Carriage Return
DECPSP Proportional CSI ? 27 h Set proportional spacing mode
Spacing Mode CSI ? 27 l Reset proportional spacing mode
DECSHORP Set Horizontal CSI Ps w Ps = 0: Determined
Pitch by current font. Ps = 8: 8.25 CPI
Ps = 1: 10 CPI Ps = 9: 15 CPI
Ps = 2: 12 CPI Ps = 11: 17.1 CPI
Ps = 3: 13.2 CPI Ps = 12: 8.55 CPI
Ps = 4: 16.5 CPI Ps = 13: 18 CPI
Ps = 5: 5 CPI Ps = 14: 9 CPI
Ps = 6: 6 CPI Ps = 15: 10 CPI
Ps = 7: 6.6 CPI Ps = 16: 20 CPI
DECVERP Set Vertical CSI Ps z Ps = 0: Determined by current font
Pitch Ps = 1: 6 LPI
Ps = 2: 8 LPI
Ps = 3: 12 LPI
Ps = 4: 2 LPI
Ps = 5: 3 LPI
Ps = 6: 4 LPI
Ps = 21: 4 LPcm
Ps = 22: 2 LPcm
Ps = 23: 1 LPcm
Ps = 11–16 and 31–33: same as 1–6 and
LNM Line Feed/New CSI 20 h LF acts as New Line
Line Mode CSI 20 l LF acts as line feed
LPcm = Lines per centimeter