3. To change to a resident font, see the next section. Otherwise, press the Pause button to
return the printer to the Ready state. You are ready to print using the selected macro.
Note: The active Macro at power-off remains active at next power-up.
Switching Macros and Selecting Features on the Control Panel
When you switch from one macro to another, each modification you made using the control
panel for the Top-of-Form option or the Protocol option is lost, and the values of these
options stored in the new macro become active.
This behavior does not apply to the Font selection. If you have changed a font using the
control panel before changing the macro, this font will still remain active, overriding the
font set in the new macro.
For example, assume that Macro 1 is set to Draft and Macro 2 to Courier. You switch the
Font selection of Macro 1 from Draft to Prestige using the
Font button. When you switch the
Macro selection from Macro 1 to Macro 2, Prestige will remain active, overriding the
Courier set in Macro 2.
The following tables list default values of options for print features. The former is for
options in Macro 1 and Macro 2 and the latter is for options independent of Macro selection.
Macro 1 and Macro 2 Settings
Print Feature Factory Settings
Macro 1 Macro 2
Protocol Port dependent Port dependent
Protocol serial DEC DEC
Protocol parallel EPSON IBM
Font Draft Draft
Horizontal pitch 10 cpi 10 cpi
Vertical pitch 6 lpi 6 lpi
Form length 11 inches (A) 11 inches (A)
Left margin 1 column 1 column
Top of Form
0/60 inch 0/60 inch
Top margin 1 line 1 line
Bottom margin 66 lines 66 lines
Line mode LF = LF, CR = CR LF = LF, CR = CR
Paper source
Tractor Tractor
Print direction Soft control Soft control