Using Set-Up Mode
Options Values Description
Assign buffer memory as the input buffer.
2 KBYTE 2K bytes
8 KBYTE 8K bytes
16 KBYTE 16K bytes
32 KBYTE 32K bytes
64 KBYTE 64K bytes
The larger the input buffer selected, the smaller
the download buffer becomes. Even with 64K bytes
of input buffer, a minimal download buffer is
provided. If you need a larger capacity for
downloading fonts, reduce the input buffer.
<I/F TYPE> Select the type of interface to the computer.
PARALLEL Centronics parallel interface
SERIAL DEC-423 serial interface
AUTO Both interfaces are ready for communication. The
printer communicates with the interface from which it
first receives data. The interface is active until the
input buffer becomes empty.
<AUTO SW> Specify the timing of regarding the selected protocol or interface as
being inactive when AUTO is specified in the
<PROTOCOL> or <I/F TYPE> option.
2 SEC 2 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
4 SEC 4 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
6 SEC 6 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
8 SEC 8 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
10 SEC 10 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
12 SEC 12 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
14 SEC 14 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
16 SEC 16 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
18 SEC 18 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
20 SEC 20 seconds elapsed after data stops from the computer
Options Values Description
<BAUD RATE> Setting of data transmission speed for DEC-423. The
baud rate is in bps (bits per second). Select the same
(Interface Type)
(Auto Switch)