Adjust the desired chlorinator output for pool (0,1,2,3...9,10,15,20...95,100%)
Move to previous/next menu item
This setting will appear only if the chorinator function is enabled and system has been setup
for “pool only” or “pool and spa”. It will determine the chlorinator output when the system
is operating in pool-only or spa spillover modes. The actual amount of chlorine introduced
into the pool is determined by: this setting, the amount of time the filter pump is running, the
water temperature, and the amount of salt in the water. If the filter pump is running due to the
freeze protection feature, then the chlorinator will not operate during this time.
Set Day and Time
Wednesday 10:37P
Adjust the current day of the week
Move to hours setting
Set Day and Time
Adjust the current day of the week
Move to hours setting
Set Day and Time
Wednesday 37
Set Day and Time
Wednesday 10: P
Adjust the current hour (including AM/PM if applicable)
Adjust the current minute
Move to minutes setting
Move to previous/next menu item
Use this function to set the current day of the week and time. These values are used for all
the automatic timeclock functions of the Aqua Logic and are also displayed as part of the
default menu.
The Aqua Logic is designed to keep the clock running during power outages lasting less
than 7 days. If power has been off for longer than 7 days, then the time may have to be reset.
Display Light
On for 60 sec
Toggle between Always On and On for 60 sec.
Move to previous/next menu item
This function controls the blue backlight on the display. If the “On for 60 seconds” option
is selected, then the backlight will automatically turn off 60 seconds after the last key is
pressed and will stay off until next time a key is pressed.
Note that the Display Light selection only applies to the display keypad that you are currently
using. Other display/keypads will not be affected. You need to individually set this option
for each display/keypad in the system.
Toggle between
Enabled (default) and Disabled Beeper
When “Enabled”, the keypad will beep every time a key is pressed. If this audible indication
is not desired, select “Disabled”.
This function only applies to the display/keypad that you are currently using. You need to
set this option for each display/keypad in your system.
NOTE: This function is not supported on all display/keypads. If the “Enabled” selection is
not blinking, then the current software revision of that particular keypad/display does not
support the option and it will default to Beeper Enabled.
Chlorinator Operation / Water Chemistry
General Water Chemistry
Salt is required only if you are using the chlorinator features on the Aqua Logic Control. If you are NOT
using the chlorinator, it is recommended that you follow all of the other chemistry recommendations be-
sides salt. Refer to the description of the Aqua Logic configuration menu for information on enabling/
disabling the chlorinator (see page 16).
Water Chemistry
The table below summarizes the levels that are recommended by the Association of Pool and Spa Profes-
sionals (APSP). The only special requirements for the Aqua Logic are the salt level and stabilizer.
Saturation index
The saturation index (Si) relates to the calcium and alkalinity in the water and is an indicator of the pool
water “balance”. Your water is properly balanced if the Si is 0 ±0.2. If the Si is below -0.2, the water is
corrosive and plaster pool walls will be dissolved into the water. If the Si is above +0.2, scaling and
staining will occur. Use the chart below to determine the saturation index.
(pool size in feet)
(pool size in meters)
Diameter x Diameter x
Average Depth x 5.9
Length x Width x
Average Depth x 6.7
Length x Width x
Average Depth x 7.5
Diameter x Diameter x
Average Depth x 785
Length x Width x
Average Depth x 893
Length x Width x
Average Depth x 1000
ºC ºF
Tot al
How to use: Measure pool pH, temperature, calcium hardness,
and total alkalinity. Use the chart above to determine Ti, Ci,and
Ai from your measurements. Insert values of pH, Ti, Ci and Ai
into the above equation. If Si equals .2 or more, scaling and
staining may occur. If Si equals -.2 or less corrosion or irritation
may occur.
Si = pH + Ti + Ci + Ai - 12.1
75 75
100 100
125 125
150 150
200 200
250 250
300 300
400 400
600 600
800 800
1.5 1.9
1.6 2.0
1.7 2.1
1.8 2.2
1.9 2.3
2.0 2.4
2.1 2.5
2.2 2.6
2.4 2.8
2.5 2.9