• Disabling the Trigger
Key Sequence: SEt ... ... trIG oFF tiME oFF
Settings: triG = oFF, the trigger is disabled
• Enabling the Trigger - Select Level (HI, LO) and Type (out, in, st-ou, st-in)
Key Sequence: SEt ... ... trIG OFF out
HI nnnnn LO nnnnn
PrEtr on oFF rEtri on oFF tiME oFF
Settings: nnnnn = upper / lower trigger level in digits
The left-hand trigger digits (nnnnn) correspond to the left-hand measurement value digits (for
each measuring range). For example, a trigger value of 12300 in the 3.0000 V range corre-
sponds to a 1.2300 V trigger.
Trig = st-ou: Only measurement values outside of the HI - LO level limits are recorded.
Trig = st-in: Only measurement values within the HI - LO level limits are recorded.
Trig = out: All measurement values are recorded if 1 measurement value is within, and one of
the following measurement values is outside of the HI - LO level limits.
Trig = in: All measurement values are recorded if at least 1 measurement value is outside of,
and one of the following measurement values is within the HI - LO level limits.
• Start Recording at a Selected Point in Time and then Activate the Trigger (t.time)
Key Sequence: SEt ... ... trIG OFF out
HI nnnnn LO nnnnn
PrEtr on oFF rEtri on oFF tiME oFF on
dd hh:mm
Settings: dd = day of the week to begin recording
hh:mm = time in hours and minutes to begin recording
nnnn = upper / lower trigger level in digits
nn = pre-trigger memory as a percentage
Recording of measurement values is started at a predetermined point in time (trigger time),
after which the trigger is activated.
Selected Trigger Value in Digits
12300 01230 00123
Measuring Range Effective Trigger Threshold
300 mV 123 mV 012.3 mV 001.23 mV
3.0000 V 1.2300 V 0.1230 V 0.0123 V
3.00000 V 1.23000 V 0.12300 V 0.01230 V
30.000 V DC 12.300 V 01.230 V 00.123 V