
Start manual data recording:
Shortcut: Press and hold the yellow ESC key and press the key once for each desired
– Or, use the StorE menu (with assignment of a name to the memory block):
Key Sequence: SEt StorE LAbEL no YES mybloc ESC
Settings: mybloc = name of the current memory block (optional)
Start recording with the ESC key.
A new memory block is activated for the storage of data. The new memory block can be
named if desired (LAbEL). The name is made available for purposes of analysis with
METRAwin 10 software. After recording has been activated with the ESC key, the following
display appear:
bL.nnn = ID number for the current memory block between 1 and 128 (continue with )
d.nnnn = ID number for the current measurement value within the memory block between 1
and 1000 (continue with )
nn.n = percentage memory occupancy from 00.1 to 99.9%
The display can be returned to the initial menu with the ESC key without causing interference
to memory mode operation.
Interrupt Data Recording
Key Sequence: Activate the ESC key twice.
Measurement values can now be queried with the reCAII and SEE functions.
Data recording can be resumed by pressing and holding the ESC key, and simultaneously
pressing the key.
Stop Data Recording (StorE mode)
Key Sequence: SEt StorE LAbEL no bL.nnn StOP
Settings: StOP = end of data recording
Manual data recording is stopped and the corresponding memory block is closed off.
Shortcut: Simultaneously press the yellow ESC key and the key.
7.9 View Data at the Adapter – reCAll
Statistical Overview of Stored Data
Key Sequence: rECAll bbbb StAt
dd hh:mm mm:ss End dd hh:mm mm:ss
MIN xxxxx
dd hh:mm mm:ss
MAX xxxxx
dd hh:mm mm:ss
Settings: bbbb = block number for stored data
bEGin = time recording was begun for data in the memory block
End = time recording was ended for data in the memory block
dd = weekday
hh:mm, mm:ss = time in hours minutes and seconds
MIN, MAX = display minimum and maximum values
xxxxx = measurement value (digital and analog display)
This function displays a statistical overview for a selectable memory block. Memory block ID
number, beginning and ending time of the recording, minimum and maximum values, as well
as the date and time for each, appear at the display.