7.10 Reading Out Data from the Adapter at the PC / Parameter Configurations – PC
Key Sequence: PC PC-nn
Settings: nn = selected memory adapter address
With this bidirectional operating mode, memory adapter parameters can be configured at
the PC via the interface. Beyond this, recorded measurement data can be uploaded to the
Shortcut: Press and hold the yellow ESC key and then press the
key as well.
Note: A different address must be assigned to each of the interconnected memory adapters
(chapter 7.6, page 18), but the address for each adapter must be identical with the address
of its respective multimeter.
7.11 Live Measurement Data Transmission from the Multimeter to the PC – onlinE
Key Sequence: onlinE on-nn
Settings: nn = selected memory adapter address
This operating mode allows for the transmission of data from the multimeter directly to the
PC (without activating this function at the PC), and only in one direction. The adapter func-
tions as a transmitter only and does not store any data.
Shortcut: Press and hold the yellow ESC key and then press the key as well.
Note: A different address must be assigned to each of the interconnected memory adapters
(chapter 7.6, page 18). Up to 4 adapters can be operated in this mode without batteries.
7.12 Clear the Memory – CLEAr
Key Sequence: CLEAr no YES
Settings: no = memory content is not deleted
YES = memory content is deleted without any additional security queries
This function deletes the entire contents of the memory adapter.
Caution: Make sure that all recorded measurement values which need to be saved
have been uploaded and archived at a PC before clearing the entire contents of the
memory adapter.
7.13 Query General Information – inFo
• Display Current Weekday and Time
Key Sequence: InFO tiME dd hh:mm mm:ss
Settings: dd = current weekday: MO = Monday,
tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, th = Thursday,
Fr = Friday, SA = Saturday, SU = Sunday
hh:mm, mm:ss = time in hours, minutes and seconds
The current day and current time are displayed one after the other.
•LCD Test
Key Sequence: InFO tiME tESt dISP Pattern 1 Pattern 2 ...
All possible displays appear at the LCD after the display test has been acknowledged. Vari-
ous test displays can be selected with the and keys. The software version number is
displayed numerically as part of the test.