
Configuration Menu 109
ACL Port Metering configuration
Command: /cfg/port <port number>/aclqos/meter
[Metering Menu]
cir - Set committed rate in KiloBits/s
mbsize - Set maximum burst size in KiloBits
enable - Enable/disable port metering
dpass - Set to Drop or Pass out of profile traffic
assign - Assign meter to ACL, ACL block or ACL group
unassign - Unassign meter from ACL, ACL block or ACL group
reset - Reset meter parameters
cur - Display current settings
The following table describes the ACL Port Metering Configuration Menu options.
Table 105 ACL Port Metering Configuration Menu options
Command Description
cir <64-1000000>
Configures the committed rate, in Kilobits per second. The committed rate
must be a multiple of 64.
mbsize <32-4096>
Configures the maximum burst size, in Kilobits. Enter one of the following
values for
mbsize: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
enable e|d
Enables or disables ACL Metering on the port.
dpass drop|pass
Configures the ACL Meter to either drop or pass out-of-profile traffic.
assign acl|blk|grp <1-4096>
Adds an ACL, ACL Block, or ACL Group to the ACL Meter on this port.
unassign acl|blk|grp <1-4096>
Removes an ACL, ACL Block, or ACL Group from the ACL Meter on this port.
Reset ACL Metering parameters to their default values.
Displays current ACL Metering parameters.
ACL Port Re-Mark configuration
Command: /cfg/port <port number>/aclqos/re-mark <1-63>
[Re-mark Menu Menu]
inprof - In Profile Menu
outprof - Out Profile Menu
assign - Assign re-mark action to ACL item
unassign - Unassign re-mark action from ACL item
reset - Reset re-mark settings
cur - Display current settings
You can choose to re-mark IP header data for the selected ACL Group on the port. You can configure different re-
mark values, based on whether packets fall within the ACL Metering profile, or out of the ACL Metering profile.
The following table describes the ACL Port Re-Mark Configuration Menu options.
Table 106 ACL Port Re-Mark Configuration Menu options
Command Description
inprof Displays the Re-Mark In-Profile Menu.
outprof Displays the Re-Mark Out-of-Profile Menu.
assign acl|blk|grp <1-4096> Assign an ACL, ACL Block, or ACL Group for DSCP remarking on this port.
unassign acl|blk|grp <1-4096> Remove an ACL, ACL Block, or ACL Group from DSCP remarking on this
reset Reset ACL Re-Mark parameters to their default values.
cur Displays current Re-Mark parameters.