Configuration Menu 148
The following table describes the Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration Menu options.
Table 167 Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration Menu options
Command Description
vrs disable|enable When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each virtual router
in master mode on this switch. This is useful for making sure that traffic for any particular
client/server pairing are handled by the same switch, increasing routing and load
balancing efficiency. This command is disabled by default.
ifs disable|enable When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each other IP
interface active on this switch. An IP interface is considered active when there is at least
one active port on the same VLAN. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most
available routes as the master. This command is disabled by default.
ports disable|enable When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each active port on
the same VLAN. A port is considered “active” if it has a link and is forwarding traffic.
This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available ports as the master. This
command is disabled by default.
cur Displays the current configuration for priority tracking for this virtual router.
VRRP Interface configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/vrrp/if <1-255>
[VRRP Interface 1 Menu]
auth - Set authentication types
passw - Set plain-text password
del - Delete interface
cur - Display current VRRP interface configuration
This menu is used for configuring VRRP authentication parameters for the IP interfaces used with the virtual routers.
The interface-number (1 to 128) represents the IP interface on which authentication parameters must be configured.
The following table describes the VRRP Interface Configuration Menu options.
Table 168 VRRP Interface Configuration Menu options
Command Description
auth none|password Defines the type of authentication that will be used: none (no authentication),
password (password authentication).
passw <password> Defines a plain text password up to eight characters long. This password will
be added to each VRRP packet transmitted by this interface when password
authentication is chosen (see
auth above).
del Clears the authentication configuration parameters for this IP interface. The IP
interface itself is not deleted.
cur Displays the current configuration for this IP interface’s authentication
VRRP Tracking configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/vrrp/track
[VRRP Tracking Menu]
vrs - Set priority increment for virtual router tracking
ifs - Set priority increment for IP interface tracking
ports - Set priority increment for VLAN switch port tracking
cur - Display current VRRP Priority Tracking configuration
This menu is used for setting weights for the various criteria used to modify priority levels during the master router
election process. Each time one of the tracking criteria is met, the priority level for the virtual router is increased by an
amount defined through this menu.
NOTE: These priority tracking options only define increment values. These options do not affect the VRRP
master router election process until options under the VRRP Virtual Router Priority Tracking Menu are enabled.