
Configuration Menu 132
Routing Information Protocol configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/rip
[Routing Information Protocol Menu]
if - RIP Interface Menu
update - Set update period in seconds
redist - RIP Route Redistribute Menu
on - Globally turn RIP ON
off - Globally turn RIP OFF
current - Display current RIP configuration
The RIP Menu is used for configuring Routing Information Protocol parameters. This option is turned off by default.
The following table describes the RIP Configuration Menu options.
Table 144 RIP Configuration Menu options
Command Description
if <1-255> Displays the RIP Interface menu.
update <1-120> Configures the time interval for sending for RIP table updates, in seconds.
The default value is 30 seconds.
redist Displays the RIP Route Redistribute menu.
on Globally turns RIP on.
off Globally turns RIP off.
cur Displays the current RIP configuration.
RIP Interface configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/rip/if <1-255>
[RIP Interface 1 Menu]
version - Set RIP version
supply - Enable/disable supplying route updates
listen - Enable/disable listening to route updates
poison - Enable/disable poisoned reverse
split - Enable/disable split horizon
trigg - Enable/disable triggered updates
mcast - Enable/disable multicast updates
default - Set default route action
metric - Set metric
auth - Set authentication type
key - Set authentication key
enable - Enable interface
disable - Disable interface
current - Display current RIP interface configuration
The RIP Menu is used for configuring Routing Information Protocol parameters. This option is turned off by default.
NOTE: Do not configure RIP1 parameters if your routing equipment uses RIP version 2.
The following table describes the RIP Interface Configuration Menu options.
Table 145 RIP Interface Configuration Menu options
Command Description
version 1|2|both Configures the RIP version used by this interface.
The default value is version
supply disable|enable When enabled, the switch supplies routes to other routers. This command is
enabled by default.
listen disable|enable When enabled, the switch learns routes from other routers. This command is
enabled by default.
poison disable|enable When enabled, the switch uses split horizon with poisoned reverse. When
disabled, the switch uses only split horizon. The default value is