Table 60: Hewlett-Packard's Electronic Registration text strings
Title of dialog box
Text in dialog box User options and descriptions
Hewlett-Packard's Electronic
Welcome to HP's registration. This
information is confidential and for
HP registration purposes only. This
is the fastest and easiest way for
you to join our select group of
HP owners who register to receive:
Direct-to-you details about:
Ideas and ways to use your
new HP printer.
Other exciting HP products.
News on emerging
Technical support updates.
If you have internet access and
would like to register via our World
Wide Web registration page, click
WWW Registration(button) (default
If you do not have internet access
or would rather register via email,
please click here to continue with
Hewlett-Packard's Electronic
Electronic Registration (button)
Clicking WWW Registration opens
the default Web browser and
connects to the product registration
page at:
Clicking Electronic Registration
opens the Welcome to Hewlett-
Packard's Registration dialog box.
Clicking Exit opens the Exiting
Registration! dialog box.
Software Technical Reference ENWW Installation instructions 173