
Frequently asked questions
What drivers do I have installed?
To determine which versions of a particular printer driver are installed on a computer, you can open the printer
Properties dialog box for a printer that uses that driver and click on the Sharing tab and then click on the Additional
Drivers button. Printer drivers listed with a check mark in the Environment column are installed on this computer.
Printer drivers listed as “Windows NT 4.0” or “Windows NT 4.0 or 2000” are version-2 printer drivers. Those listed as
“Windows 2000”, “Windows 2000 or XP” or “Windows 2000, XP or 2003” are version-3 printer drivers. The following
illustrations show examples from the Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
Figure 84: Additional Drivers dialog box in Windows 2000
214 Print server operating system migration Software Technical Reference ENWW