
Paper tab 76
Paper tab 102
Point and Print installation 183
settings 73
standalone 131
version-2 206
version-3 207
duplex printing options in drivers 101
Effects tab in drivers 85
Enterprise AutoConfiguration 133
description 22
drivers supported 23
operating systems supported 133
operating systems supported 21
escape sequences 203
paper source 203
euro character 65
event log 50
features of the printer 16
file layout for printing-system software CD-ROM 129
Finishing tab in drivers 81
firmware 58
determining current level 59
downloading 59
FTP updates 60
HP Web JetAdmin updates 63
local port update, Windows 59
LPR command updates 63
messages during update 64
UNIX updates 60
updating remotely 58
Windows network updates 59
First Page option in drivers 110
Flip Pages Up option in drivers 82
fonts 89
euro character 65
installers 133
Macintosh 186
watermarks 89
watermarks 121
Windows 152
form to tray assignment 128
front to back printing 101
FTP 60
firmware updates 60
guides. See documentation
help 73
availability by operating system 133
PCL drivers 73
unidrivers (WIndows 2000, XP, and Server 2003) 96
HP Advanced Printer Settings 50
Configuration Page 50
Device Status page 50
HP Driver Preconfiguration 22
HP Instant Support 52
HP Jetdirect Administrator's Guide 19
HP LaserJet Screen Font Installer 196
HP LaserJet Utility 133
availability by operating system 133
description 186
HP Network Registry Agent (HPNRA) 23
HP preconfiguration 181
HP Software License Agreement dialog box, Windows 158
HP Web JetAdmin 133
availability by operating system 133
description 70
firmware updates 63
operating systems supported 70
HP Web Registration 133
availability by operating system 133
description 172
description 70
HPNRA (HP Network Registry Agent) 23
IBM operating systems 132
availability of software components 132
Incompatible Print Settings (constraint) messages 96
install notes 19
Installable Options 128
installation 151
Customization Utility for Windows 181
dialog boxes, Mac OS Classic 192
dialog boxes, Mac OS X 198
dialog boxes, Windows 154
driver only for Windows 182
Macintosh printing-system software 189
Point and Print 183
silent for Windows 181
system requirements for Windows operating systems
Windows printing-system software 154
installers 133
availability by operating system 133
customizing 181
description 68
fonts 133
Screen Fonts, Macintosh 196
Instant Support 52
JetAdmin. See HP Web JetAdmin
landscape orientation in drivers 114
landscape orientation option in drivers 82
languages 130
key to abbreviations 134
key to abbreviations 136
localization of software components 134
printing-system software 130
LaserJet Utility. See HP LaserJet Utility
license agreement dialog box, Windows 158
links, HP Advanced Printer Settings 52
localization, software components 134
LPR commands 63
firmware updates 63
Macintosh operating systems 129
availability of software components 132
ColorSync profiles 186
dialog boxes, Mac OS Classic printing-system software
installation 192
dialog boxes, Mac OS X printing-system software
installation 198
directory structure, printing-system software CD-ROM
driver versions 69
fonts supported 186
HP LaserJet Utility 186
install notes 186
220 Index