Viewing Fibre Channel Target Properties
To view the properties of a Fibre Channel target:
1. Expand the Fibre Channel icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Targets branch. A Targets table that includes all targets in your configuration file
appears in the View frame.
3. Click the radio button next to the target whose properties you want to view, then click the
Properties button. The SRP Target Properties window opens. Table 7-5 lists and describes the
elements of this window.
Configuring Fibre Channel Target Properties
To configure the properties of a FB target:
1. Expand the Fibre Channel icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Targets branch. A Targets table that includes all targets in your configuration file
appears in the View frame.
3. Click the radio button next to the target whose properties you want to view, then click the
Properties button. The SRP Target Properties window opens.
4. (Optional) Click the down radio button or nlPort radio button to configure the connection type of
the target.
5. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description field.
Table 7-5: SRP Target Properties Window Elements
Element Description
WWPN field WWPN of the port on the target through which your Server Switch
accesses the target.
WWNN field WWNN of the target.
FC Address field FC address of the target.
IOC GUID field InfiniBand I/O controller (IOC) through which initiators access the
Physical Access
Port on your Server Switch (in slot#/card# format) through which your
Server Switch accesses the target.
MTU field Maximum transmission unit, in bytes, of the target.
Connection Type
Provides the down and nlPort radio buttons so you can assign a
connection type to the target.
Description field User-assigned target description.
NOTE: If no user has assigned a description, a default description
Service Name field Name of the service to associate with the WWPN.
Apply button Applies the changes that you make in the window.
Reset button Resets the fields in the window to match the properties of the target.
Close button Closes the window. If you close the window before you apply changes,
CM makes no changes to the target.
Help button Opens on-line help.