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To press and release the left mouse button once. Right-click means to
press and release the right mouse button once.
clipped pixels
Pixels in an image that are extremely light or extremely dark and that
would lose detail when the image is printed or displayed.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. The color model in which all colors are
composed of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, the primary colors of
pigments like ink, plus Black. Printers use CMYK to print in color.
converted text
Text that has been rendered into digital format by an OCR program.
color balance
The preservation of balance between colors throughout the tonal
range. Color balance is particularly important when scanning objects
that include neutral tones (grays) or large areas of consistent color.
color channel
The red, green, and blue components from which colors are created.
color correction
The process of adjusting an image to compensate for input and output
device characteristics or color flaws in the original image.
color depth
The number of colors that a monitor can display at once. Most PC
monitors display 8-bit color (256 colors), 16-bit color (about 65,000
colors), 24-bit color (about 16 million colors), and 32-bit color. The
higher the color depth, the more lifelike images look on screen.
color wheel
A tool used to adjust the color balance and hue.
The ability to adjust settings that determine how the scanner buttons
and scanning software perform operations.
context-sensitive Help
Context-sensitive Help answers questions related to specific features
in the currently displayed window. The Help is provided in six ways:
Text Labels, ToolTips, What’s This? Help, Smart Friends, Status bar
messages, and Help commands.
The range between the lightest and darkest shades in an image. An
image with high contrast has few gray shades between black and
white and appears to be dominated by stark light and dark tones. An
image with low contrast has many shades of gray and tends to look flat
and dull. Change contrast using the highlight, shadow, and midtone
control range
This range determines the number of bits used for exposure
compensation, shadow detail, and black-and-white threshold
adjustment displays. The higher the bit depth, the finer the level of
control in adjusting these image manipulation functions.