Back to TOC Glossary 121
To eliminate portions of an image from the final scan.
default settings
Predetermined settings in the scanning software that define levels on
the your behalf. Default settings in the HP Precisionscan Pro software
are set for Output Type, Output Resolution, Color, Exposure, Black &
White Threshold, and Sharpen Level. You can override default
The ability of a material to absorb or transmit light. The greater the
density of a material or object, the more black it contains. This applies
to both black-and-white images and color images.
The process of removing an unwanted pattern, such as a moiré
pattern, that appears in a printed original so the pattern does not
appear in the scanned image.
The file, program, or hardware device where the scanned image will be
used. Examples include a printer, a Web page, or an e-mail program.
device driver
Software that the system uses to communicate with devices, such as a
display, printer, mouse, or scanner.
display resolution
The number of pixels that a computer monitor can display both
horizontally and vertically. Screen resolutions are typically 640 x 480
(VGA), 800 x 600 (super VGA), or 1024 x 786.
The process of approximating pixel colors when reducing the color
depth of an image. Dithering can improve transitions between colors
when reducing a 24-bit image to 8-bit format.
To attach a tool window to the main program window.
For the purposes of this documentation, document refers to an original
item containing text or both text and images. It also means an original
item scanned using the automatic document feeder.
dots per inch
See dpi.
To press and click a mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Dots Per Inch. The number of dots in a linear inch. DPI measurements
are used to describe the resolution of printers and scanners, where
printed images and words are made up of a series of round dots. The
greater the DPI number, the higher the resolution.