62 Scanning from HP Precisionscan Pro Back to TOC
Returning the image to a TWAIN program
If you started the scan from a TWAIN-compliant program, you can
perform a final scan and return the image to that program using this
procedure. For more information about scanning using TWAIN, see
"Scanning from other programs (TWAIN)" on page 71.
To return the image to a TWAIN program
Do one of the following:
On the Scan menu, click Return Image to.
On the toolbar or the Guided Steps (if visible), click .
Note: You can also complete a final scan using WIA. See
"Scanning from other programs (WIA)" on page 72.
Saving to a file
Save scanned images as files when you want to use the images again
later. For help deciding on which file type to use, see "List of file types"
on page 63, or see "Tips for best image quality" on page 67. For
definitions of File types, see the "Glossary" on page 117.
To save to a file
1 Do one of the following:
On the Scan menu, click Save As.
On the toolbar or the Guided Steps (if visible), click .
2 Select a file type. See "List of file types" on page 63.
3 Select a name and location for the file and click OK.
4 If the Options button is available, more options are available for
this file type. Click Options, change any options you want, and
click OK.
The file type you need depends on how you will use the file. And, some
file types are not available when certain output types are selected.