Inlet Systems
Split/splitless capillary inlet
Low Volatility Solute
High Volatility Solute
Carrier Gas
The Solvent Effect
Figure 6-9
The solvent effect is described in great detail elsewhere: see Grob, K. and
Grob, K., Jr., Journal of Chromatography,94
, page 53 (1974); Grob, K.
and Grob, G., Chromatographia, 5
, page 3 (1972).
To reconcentrate sample components via the solvent effect, oven
temperature must be low enough so solvent remains at the head of the
column for a sufficiently long time period. A good guideline is to have the
column 10 to 30
C below the solvent boiling point. Table 6•2gives boiling
points for some common solvents, along with suggested initial oven
temperature ranges to use the solvent effect efficiently.