Preventive Maintenance
Electron capture detector (ECD)
flow through the system is available. Allow time for the system to
become fully pressurized.
4. Close carrier gas flow at its source and monitor system pressure.
5. The system may be assumed to be leak•freeif no pressure drop is
observed over a 10•minuteperiod.
6. If leakage is observed, use an appropriate leak•detectingfluid to
check for leaks at detector column fittings and at the plugged vent.
7. The detector body itself is not a likely source of leaks; in any case,
it cannot be disassembled without special license from the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission or Agreement State Licensing Agency (USA
Thermal cleaning
Detector disassembly and/or cleaning procedures other than thermal
should be performed only by personnel trained and licensed
appropriately to handle radioactive materials. Trace amounts of
Ni may be removed during other procedures, causing
possible hazardous exposure to
•and X•radiation(bremsstrahlung).
Cleaning by bake•out of the detector is performed only after verification
that carrier supply gas and flow system components, are leak•and
To prevent possible hazardous contamination of the area with
radioactive material, the detector exhaust vent always must be
connected to a fume hood, or otherwise vented in compliance with the
latest revision of Title 10, CFR, Part 20, or with state regulations with
which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has entered into an
agreement (USA only). For other countries, consult with the
appropriate agency for equivalent requirements.