Detector Systems
Electron capture detector (ECD)
Electron capture detector (ECD)
The effluent gas stream from the detector must be vented to a fume
hood to prevent possible contamination of the laboratory with
radioactive material.
Specific cleaning procedures are provided in Chapter 8, Preventive
Requirements for USA owners
Detector venting must be in conformance with the latest revision of
Title 10, Code Of Federal Regulations, Part 20 (including Appendix B).
This detector is sold under General License: owners may not open the
detector cell or use solvents to clean it. Additional information is
available in the Publication Information For General Licensees, Pub.
No. 43•5953•1798(D).
Owners of this detector must perform a radioactive leak test (wipe test)
at least every six months. The procedure is described in Chapter 8,
Preventive Maintenance.