
located under a removable cover on the left front of the printer. You can see a picture of where the release is below.
You need to raise the top cover where the toner goes and the power cable cover on the left rear before removing the
side panel. To remove the side panel, raise the toner cover, depress the side panel release button and slide the panel
toward the front of the printer.
After you have removed the side panel, you should see three SIMM slots. On of the slots is most likely filled with a
PostScript SIMM if you have a PS enabled printer. The other two slots are where we will install our modded RAM. A
picture of the slots and the PostScript SIMM on my laser printer is below:
After you have the covers off, you can start soldering your SIMMs. This is a bit of a trial and error process, especially
if you are not sure what type of RAM you have or if you have little experience soldering. Hopefully you do have
experience soldering or things might get a little hairy. Using the chart above with the Ground / Infinite designations,
solder the jumpers to match your configuration. I would recommend the following:
Cut the wire strand / jumper long to solder the first point - this makes it easier to hold
Tin the jumper ends before soldering. Tin the RAM pin contacts before soldering also.
Dont rest the soldering iron on the RAM too much or you may damage your SIMM from heat.
Hold the wire with pliers (it gets HOTTT!).
I soldered my jumpers on the back of my single-side RAM modules to make maneuvering my hands easier.
Solder as high on the RAM contact point as possible to prevent interference when installing in the SIMM slots.
Use as little solder as possible and make a good contact.
Check for bridges between RAM contacts before installing. Use your multimeter to make sure only the pins
you soldered register a short or continuity.
If you are soldering more than 2-3 jumpers on the SIMM, I would recommend jumpering the pins in series
and not all on pin 72. This will make the soldering easier.
Wear your static strap to prevent damaging the sensitive RAM.
After you have soldered the SIMM with a configuration referenced in the chart above, carefully place the RAM in the
printer one SIMM at a time and print a test page. If the test lights go through their sequence and finish illuminated
as normal (with only the ready light lit), AND your total RAM shows up correctly on the printer test report, you were
successful! If not, try another jumper configuration after you have turned the printer off and carefully removed the
Finishing up
After you have soldered your SIMMs, you should have something that looks like the following: