When you have successfully tested your RAM and everything is working as expected, close up the printer and go
about your business! The installed SIMMs look like this in my printer:
Credits / RestrictionsCredit for the chart featured, titled “SIMM Identification for LaserJets” goes to Author
Unknown. It could very well be that this document is from HP, but I could not find it on their site or find a posting
online with the original author intact. If you wrote this or have a copyright, please let me know and I will post it
Dennis Little is the author of this document and images. Use and reproduction is permitted so long as this document
remains intact in its entirety and references keycruncher.com and Dennis Little as the source.
A PDF of this document is available here:
Pictures were taken with my new FujiFilm S3000 3 megapixel digital camera if you are interested. I am an amateur
photographer and it takes great pictures and lets me play with SLR-like functions. Good deal for little money, this
one is. It also takes a variety of filters and lenses readily available in all major brands.