Banner Printing
114 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
13.0.2 Margins
Margins in banners are handled the same as margins with cutsheet media. Default top and
bottom margins are 1/2 inch. If perforation skip is disabled (Esc * l 0 L), the margins are
adjusted to 0 top and bottom. The initial cursor (CAP) position in each page is calculated by:
top margin + (3/4 * current line feed) {where current line feed = 1/lines per inch}
With perf skip disabled, the default cursor position is:
0 + (3/4 * 1/6 inch) = 1/8 inch
To position raster graphics at position 0, it is necessary to execute a negative cursor move.
For example Esc * p - 38 Y will move backwards 1/8 inch. Esc * p 0 Y also works when perf
skip is disabled
13.0.3 Command Sequence
The media source must be selected for Continuous Forms before the negative cursor move is
performed, as the Media Source command will default the cursor position to the top left corner
of the defined logical page. In most cases, this defaulting action will leave some amount of top
margin, resulting in a gap appearing in the banner image at the media perforation. By setting
the media source first, and following that command with the negative cursor move, banner
images can be printed. Remember that the negative cursor move must be performed at the
beginning of each new page.
13.0.4 Moving to a New Logical Page
Since raster graphics moves are clipped to the current logical page, it is necessary to explicitly
move to a new page once the current page is filled. As shown in the HP PCL example on the
following page, this may be accomplished by sending a form feed (followed by the appropriate
cursor positioning).
Raster graphics advances never move to the next page, any excess rasters (raster data that
would exceed the logical page boundary) will be discarded. If a raster block spans a page
boundary, it must be sent as multiple blocks, along with the appropriate cursor positioning to
align on the physical media.
For text printing on continuous media, line feeds or form feeds may be used to advance to the
next logical page.
13.0.5 Unloading Continuous Media
When the printer has completed a continuous-media print job, it will advance the paper to the
end of the page after the current page. If media remains in the mechanism, the top LED will
flash. Pressing the Resume button will advance one page. Media must be removed and rein-
serted between each banner print job.