Programming Hints
22 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
9.0 Programming Hints
The following are overall guidelines to keep in mind when programming with HP PCL printer
language commands.
9.0.1 Follow Specifications
Follow the specifications for HP PCL printer language commands as described in this guide.
Do not rely upon undocumented workarounds. For example, the HP DeskJet 500 Series print-
ers do not allow a negative vertical cursor movement of more than 1/3 inch. While it is possi-
ble to create a workaround, the solution may produce undesirable results, as the printer paper-
movement hardware is not designed to provide negative paper motion. Additionally, the
homemade solution that works today may not work with future printer models.
9.0.2 Leverage from Previous Programs
If you have previously used HP PCL commands to create printer programs, you may be able
use most of those same commands for the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series print-
ers. This is especially true if you have programmed for other HP DeskJet printers. Reusing
previously developed code can save you a significant amount of time since you do not have to
start a development effort from scratch.
When leveraging from previous programs, keep in mind that the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 &
HP 2000 Series printers have a number of important differences from the HP LaserJet family
HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers are line oriented, whereas HP Laser-
Jet printers are page oriented. The HP LaserJet printers format the entire page in internal
memory and then the entire page is printed, whereas the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP
2000 Series printers format and print consecutive horizontal lines of text or rows of graph-
ics of the page content, one after another, until the entire page has been printed.
HP LaserJet printers have full-page printing capability and can position the cursor any-
where on the page. HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers format from the
top of the page to the bottom.
Generally, HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printer commands sent to the HP
LaserJet printer will provide the expected printing results, but may not work as efficiently.
Not all HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series commands will work with HP LaserJet
9.0.3 Priority of Feature Set Commands
Printer features for the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers are controlled by
escape sequences and control codes. Software application commands override default set-
tings. However, when the printer is reset, either by turning the printer off and then on again or
by sending the Reset escape sequence (Esc E), the printer returns to the default settings.