Table of Contents
HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 7
10.9.5 Formfeed50
10.9.6 Horizontal Tab50
10.9.7 Move CAP Horizontal (Decipoints)51
10.9.8 Move CAP Horizontal (Columns)52
10.9.9 Move CAP Horizontal (HP PCL Units)52
10.10 Vertical Positioning Commands54
10.10.1 Move CAP Vertical (Rows)54
10.10.2 Move CAP Vertical (Decipoints)55
10.10.3 Move CAP Vertical (HP PCL Units)56
10.11 Font Selection57
10.11.1 Font Selection by Attribute57
10.11.2 Font Symbol Set57
10.11.3 Font Spacing60
10.11.4 Font Pitch60
10.11.5 Font Height61
10.11.6 Font Style62
10.11.7 Font Stroke Weight64
10.11.8 Font Selection by ID65
10.12 Downloading Fonts66
10.12.1 Font ID66
10.12.2 Download Font67
10.12.3 Character Code68
10.12.4 Download Character68
10.12.5 Font Control69
10.13 Raster Graphics70
10.13.1 Raster Mode70
10.13.2 Commands Locked Out of Raster Mode70
10.13.3 Commands Allowed in Raster Mode70
10.13.4 Start Raster71
10.13.5 End Raster71
10.13.6 Raster Resolution72
10.13.7 Source Raster Width73
10.13.8 Y Offset74
10.14 Raster Data Transfer75
10.14.1 Transfer Raster by Plane75
10.14.2 Transfer Raster by Row/Block76
10.15 Raster Compression77
10.15.1 Compression Method77
10.16.1 Simple Color84
10.16.2 Foreground Color87
11.0 Fonts90
11.1 Standard Bitmap Font Definition90
11.2 Resolution-Specified Bitmap Font Definition91
11.2.1 Font Descriptor Size (UINT)92
11.2.2 Descriptor Format (UBYTE)92
11.2.3 Symbol Set Type (UBYTE)92